Alex is an amazingly talented musician! She plays electric bass and wanted to bring it for some of her pictures. We started out in Vera Lofts studio in Downtown Atlanta. Alex had requested a studio as one of her locations so I gave her 4 or 5 to choose from and she decided on this one mostly because of this grey room with all the plants. It was a perfect choice for her! We also did some pictures in the white room with her bass. Shooting inside with her was so nice because we could start the day in the air conditioning and it provided a great place to change clothes since so often I'm in a location that requires outfit changes in the car! I did finally purchase a collapsible changing room so that will be my go-to option for outdoor locations from now.
After we left the studio we headed over to an awesome location that has lots of murals. We even took some color guard pictures with the bluejay mural and it was a perfect choice because it matched the color of the flag she brought with her! The bass came out again for this spot and when she was sitting there I noticed for the first time the words "Think Greatly" painted on that corner.
Last but far from least, Alex got out her stand up bass which she plays in the orchestra at Sequoyah High School. Sequoyah's orchestra was invited to play for GMEA (Georgia Music Educator's Association) a few months ago and it's an incredible honor to be asked to do this! Their performance was fantastic and I'm so glad I got to see her play during a concert before their trip to Athens. I chose this location because it's so unique and the light can be absolute magic in this spot! It didn't disappoint and her pictures are some of my favorites in the 11 years I've been doing this.