Got Questions?
From timing to investment to how it all works: Here are some answers! And if your particular question isn't answered here then give me a call! (678) 637-7518
Process & Investment

Some quick info:
Senior Portrait Session fee is $300 to reserve your date and includes:
- Consultation for planning your session
- 2 hour session in 1 to 2 locations
- 3-5 outfit changes
- Professional editing and retouching of final images
- Online gallery for viewing available for 2 weeks
- Viewing and ordering appointment
Products and packages are purchased separately from session fee.
Portrait Collections start at $900.
- Any photography permission fees required by special locations are the client's responsibility.
* I have a limited number of dates available so please book early as there could be a need for weather rescheduling.
**Prices are subject to change without notice