I've known this beautiful girl for almost 8 years and I love her so much and I'm so glad she's like a part of our family! Getting to take her senior pictures was one of the highlights of 2020. She's absolutely brilliant and I can not wait to see which college she decides to go to! Wherever she decides will be amazing and I know she'll be successful no matter what she chooses to do. She's ambitious and motivated and a joy to be around. I love you, sweet girl!
We started her session in downtown Marietta but she also wanted to incorporate some flowers into her pictures. Since her session was in October, finding flowers in bloom was a challenge, but I found this great empty field with yellow wildflowers and an awesome view of Kennesaw Mountain! I'm sure this location will soon have a bunch of shops or another massive storage facility built on it soon so I'm glad I found it when I did.
Lana has been in Color Guard at Sprayberry and is so good at her sport! She brought a flag with her and her cousin Isaac wanted to use the Mexican flag in his pictures so we did some of Lana with the flag also since she is part Mexican as well. Her heritage and culture is so very important to her and I'm so glad we could make sure to include that in her portraits!