This post will be equal parts easy and difficult to write. Easy because I love this kid and hard because, well,...I love this kid. We've lived next door to the Clay family for 12 years. Hunter was only 6 and in the first grade at that time. He was adorable, smart, polite, athletic, fun, and welcoming and none of that has changed...except now he's not adorable since he's now grown into a good-looking young man and pretty much grown out of the adorable phase. He's been one of my most favorite people on the planet for a long time. I'm so glad my boys have such a strong bond with him and he's been a huge positive influence on them. (Yes, now I'm crying.) He's been an example to them how to be responsible and respectful and we all admire him so much for how he dedicates himself whole-heartedly in everything he does: from working, always excelling on the golf course and his involvement at church to his grades at school and his loving commitment to his family. Basically, he's pretty excellent in a hundred different ways. Actually, excellence is the best adjective for him.
Stephen and Lisa, I've told you many times how I think you're doing an exceptional job as parents and I can't deny how you've impacted how I parent my own crew.
Hunter, I've been proud to be your "second mom". I get the easy part: to back your mama up, to check on you if she's at work, to feed you occasionally, to laugh when you're being crazy with my boys. I'm seriously thankful that you're not moving too far away for college! I'm so not ready for you to be gone. Partly because if you're growing up it means I can't be in denial that Cameron and Parker are right behind you. Thanks for being such a great kid - I can not wait to see what God has in store for you and how you follow Him.
Love you TONS!
P.S. Sorry for the videos at the end...I just couldn't resist.
In March, as part of his senior project and in line with his track record of excellent things he accomplishes, Hunter held a golf tournament with funds raised to go toward MUST Ministries. MUST was established nearly 50 years ago to care for individuals and families in need in Marietta, Smyrna and Canton. According to their website they now have more than 10,000 volunteers who contribute their time, talent and finances to meet the needs of their neighbors. Below is a video that highlights their 40th anniversary and all God has accomplished through their ministry.
Click on the button above to find out how you can get involved!